After nine years of academic research, I joined the iPrint Institute as an R&D engineer in October 2024. IPrint plays a leading role in the field of digital printing and my aim is to enable a deeper understanding of the interaction between the physico-chemical properties of inks and their printability on a variety of solid substrates.
Previously, as a postdoc in the Roumeli Research Group (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) I was designing and characterizing bio-based composites to propose sustainable alternatives to traditional petroleum-derived plastics and investigate solutions for greener construction materials with Dr. Eleftheria Roumeli.
Before this, I was a post-doc at the Flexible Structures Laboratory (flexLab, EPFL, Lausanne-Switzerland), studying the mechanics of elastic rods in frictional contact to describe elastic knots with Prof. Pedro M. Reis.
I got my Ph.D. in February 2018 at Sorbonne Université working at the ∂'Alembert Institute
on the mechanics of elasto-capillary interactions between elastic fibers and liquid drops for the design of stretchable fabrics under supervision of Prof. Sébastien Neukirch and Prof. Arnaud Antkowiak.
An overview of my professional trajectory
As an R&D engineer at iPrint (started October 2024), my goal will be to enable a deeper understanding of the interaction between properties of inks (solvent or polymer based) on their jettability and more generally printability, in the context of inkjet printing.
As a post-doc at the Roumeli Research Group (October 2021 to August 2024), I studied the mechanical performance of bio-based composites. By understanding and harnessing the bonding within biological materials, my aim was to design strong and environment-friendly materials. In addition to hands-on lab experimentation, I helped Prof. Roumeli by supervising a team of junior scientists developping bioplastics from renewable resources, bacterial-cellulose based membranes, fully bio-based 3D-printing, and green cements through the incorporation of algae powders to the cement mix.
During my post-doc at the Flexible Structures Laboratory (March 2018 to September 2021), my research mainly focused on understanding the mechanics of knotted filaments. Indeed, even though we handle knots on a daily basis, we still merely apprehend their behavior empirically, and have very few rational models to predict their mechanics behaviour (under which cirumstances will a knot hold, when will it unravel or even lead to the filament rupture?). To this end, our group has developped state-of-the-art mechanical testing as well a 3D image acquisition and processing tools.
During my Ph.D. thesis at the ∂'Alembert Institute (March 2015 to February 2018), I was interested in the elasto-capillary interactions between elastic fibers and wetting liquids. Liquid bodies can exert strong enough forces through capillarity to elastic stuctures so as to make them undergo large deformations. For example, thin spider silk threads can sponteneously buckle and coil inside the liquid glue droplets which naturally sit on it. This coiling mechanism gives rise to an unprecendent macroscopic behavior, as the overal silk threads remains globally straight even when its ends are compressed!
Click on the images to find more information about my research interests.
Bioplastics from plant-based biological materials
Bacterial cellulose-based films
Green cements
Our goal is to design compostable bioplastics, in an effort to replace traditional petroleum-derived plastics. Our approach is to use "raw" biological materials, i.e., we make use of entire cells and organisms (e.g., algae or plant cells), thereby avoiding energy-intensive and wasteful extraction processes.
We leverage the natural synthesis of highly crystalline cellulose from bacteria (namely Komagataeibacter) to produce strong fils and other composites.
We strive to take advantage of the carbon fixing growth of algae to reduce the environmental impact of cements.
Elasto-capillary coiling of thin fibers inside liquid droplets
Elasto-capillary buckling and wrinkling of thin fibrous membranes
Mechanics of elastic knots
The capillary forces exerted by a liquid drop can be strong enough to make a thin elastic fiber buckle and coil within it.
When the ends of the fiber are brought together, it therefore spontaneously starts spooling inside the drop.
[Video] – Spider Nephila thread coiling inside water droplets (video by Hervé Elettro)
[Video] – Elastomeric fiber coiling inside a liquid drop (inside a water bath)
[Video] – Polyurethane fiber coiling inside a silicone oil droplet
Here, a thin fibrous membrane is wicked (infused) with a wetting liquid.
The membrane is thin enough to buckle and wrinkle inside the liquid film. It therefore always remains under tension, even when compressed.
[Video] – Wetting a thin fibrous membrane: we deposit silicone oil droplets on a thin PVDF-HFP fibrous membrane. The capillary forces exerted by the drops make the fibrous membrane fold and wrinkle inside of them.
[Video] – Wet fibrous membrane: we impose biaxial deformations to a wet fibrous membrane. The membrane remains straight even when its border are brought closer.
The overhand knot presented in this picture was designed to bare no self-contacting regions [(4) Moulton et. al.].
[Video] – Currently, at the flexLab at EPFL, I study tight knots where contact is key.
Curriculum Vitae
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Discovering the interactions between rheology and printability in the context of inkjet printing at iPrint.
I worked at the Roumeli Research Lab
on the synthesis and mechanical characterization of bio-based polymers.
I did a postodc at the flexLab (Flexible Structures Laboratory, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
where I worked on the mechanics of knotted elastic rods with Prof. Pedro M. Reis. We developed high-end imaging tools to predictively charaterize and model knots.
I performed my Ph.D. thesis at the ∂'Alembert Institute (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France) where I worked on the
surface-tension induced buckling of thin fibers and fibrous membranes to design stretchable materials under the supervision
of Prof. Sébastien Neukirch and Prof. Arnaud Antkowiak.
Find my Ph.D. thesis manuscript here (34Mo).
Bachelor and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Fluid and Solid Mechanics at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland).
Experimental study of teeth precision sandblasting at EMS
(Electro-Medical Systems S.A., Nyon, Switzerland). Under the supervision of Dr. Marcel Donnet (EMS) and Dr. Eric Boillat (EPFL).
I spent my third year of Bachelor's degree as an erasmus student at ESTEIB
(Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain).
The increasing concerns associated with petroleum-derived polymers motivate the development of sustainable, renewably sourced alternatives. In ubiquitous applications such as structural materials for infrastructure, the built environment as well as packaging, where natural materials like wood are used, we rely on nonrenewable and non-degradable polymers to serve as adhesives. In wood panels, such as medium density fiberboards (MDF), formaldehyde-based resins are predominantly used to bond wood fibers and to provide strength to the materials. To further mitigate the environmental impact of construction materials, more sustainable adhesives need to be investigated. In this paper, we introduce Ulva seaweed as an adhesive to enable cohesion and strength in hot-pressed wood panels. Upon hot-pressing, powdered Ulva flows in between the wood particles, generating a matrix which provides strong binding. We show that the flexural strength of Ulva-bonded wood biocomposites increases with increasing Ulva concentrations. At an Ulva concentration of 40 wt.%, our composites reach an average elastic modulus of 6.1 GPa, and flexural strength of 38.2 MPa (compared to 4.7 GPa and 22.6 MPa, respectively, for pure wood compressed at the same pressing conditions). To highlight the bonding mechanisms, we performed infrared and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and identified indications of fatty acid mobility during hot-pressing. In addition, we demonstrate that the presence of Ulva improves other properties of the composites such as water resistance and flame retardancy. Ulva is also shown to behave as an excellent adhesive agent between two pre-pressed beams. Finally, we perform an in-depth analysis of the environmental impact of wood-Ulva biocomposites.
The incorporation of carbon-fixing materials such as photosynthetic algae in concrete formulations offers a promising strategy toward mitigating the concerningly high carbon footprint of cement. Prior literature suggests that the introduction of up to 0.5 wt % chlorella biological matter (biomatter) in ordinary Portland cement induces a retardation of the composite cement’s strength evolution while enabling a long-term compressive strength comparable to pure cement at a lower carbon footprint. In this work, we provide insights into the fundamental mechanisms governing this retardation effect and reveal a concentration threshold above which the presence of biomatter completely hinders the hydration reactions. We incorporate Chlorella or Spirulina, two algal species with different morphology and composition, in ordinary Portland cement at concentrations ranging between 0.5 and 15 wt % and study the evolution of mechanical properties of the resulting biocomposites over a period of 91 days. The compressive strength in both sets of biocomposites exhibits a concentration-dependent long-term drastic reduction, which plateaus at 5 wt % biomatter content. At and above 5 wt %, all biocomposites show a strength reduction of more than 80% after 91 days of curing compared to pure cement, indicating a permanent hindrance effect on hardening. Characterization of the hydration kinetics and the cured materials shows that both algal biomatters hinder the hydration reactions of calcium silicates, preventing the formation of calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate, while the secondary reactions of tricalcium aluminate that form ettringite are not affected. We propose that the alkaline conditions during cement hydration lead to the formation of charged glucose-based carbohydrates, which subsequently create a hydrogen bonding network that ultimately encapsulates calcium silicates. This encapsulation prevents the formation of primary hydrate products and thus blocks the hardening of cement. Furthermore, we observe new hydration products with composition and micromorphology deviating from the expected hardened cement compounds. Our analysis provides fundamental insights into the mechanisms that govern the introduction of two carbon-negative algal species as fillers in cement, which are crucial for enabling strategies to overcome the detrimental effects that those fillers have on the mechanical properties of cement.
Since the 1950s, 8.3 billion tonnes (Bt) of virgin plastics have been produced, of which around 5 Bt have accumulated as waste in oceans and other natural environments, posing severe threats to entire ecosystems. The need for sustainable bio-based alternatives to traditional petroleum-derived plastics is evident. Bioplastics produced from unprocessed biological materials have thus far suffered from heterogeneous and non-cohesive morphologies, which lead to weak mechanical properties and lack of processability, hindering their industrial integration. Here, a fast, simple, and scalable process is presented to transform raw microalgae into a self-bonded, recyclable, and backyard-compostable bioplastic with attractive mechanical properties surpassing those of other biobased plastics such as thermoplastic starch. Upon hot-pressing, the abundant and photosynthetic algae spirulina forms cohesive bioplastics with flexural modulus and strength in the range 3–5 GPa and 25.5–57 MPa, respectively, depending on pre-processing conditions and the addition of nanofillers. The machinability of these bioplastics, along with self-extinguishing properties, make them promising candidates for consumer plastics. Mechanical recycling and fast biodegradation in soil are demonstrated as end-of-life options. Finally, the environmental impacts are discussed in terms of global warming potential, highlighting the benefits of using a carbon-negative feedstock such as spirulina to fabricate plastics.
Knots are the weakest link in surgical sutures, serving as mechanical ligatures between filaments. Exceeding their safe operational limits can cause fatal complications. The empirical nature of present guidelines calls for a predictive understanding of the mechanisms underlying knot strength. We identify the primary ingredients dictating the mechanics of surgical sliding knots, highlighting the previously overlooked but critical effect of plasticity and its interplay with friction. The characterization of surgeon-tied knots reveals the relevant ranges of tightness and geometric features. Using model experiments coupled with finite element simulations, we uncover a robust master curve for the target knot strength versus the tying pre-tension, number of throws, and frictional properties. These findings could find applications in the training of surgeons and robotic-assisted surgical devices.
The increasing consumption of non-renewable materials urgently calls for the design and fabrication of sustainable alternatives. New generation of materials should be derived from renewable sources, processed using environmentally friendly methods, and designed considering their full life-cycle, especially their end-of-life fate. Here, we review recent advances in developing sustainable polymers from biological matter (biomatter), including progress in the extraction and utilization of bio-derived monomers and polymers, as well as the emergence of polymers produced directly from unprocessed biomatter (entire cells or tissues). We also discuss applications of sustainable polymers in bioplastics, biocomposites, and cementitious biomaterials, with emphasis on relating their performance to underlying fundamental mechanisms. Finally, we provide a future outlook for sustainable material development, highlighting the need for more accurate and accessible tools for assessing the life-cycle impacts and socioeconomic challenges as this field advances.
The mass production and disposal of non-degradable fossil-based plastics is responsible for alarming environmental and social issues when not managed responsibly. Towards manufacturing environmentally-friendly materials, biopolymers, i.e., polymers synthesized by living organisms, emerge as promising sustainable alternatives as they combine attractive mechanical properties, compostability, and renewable sourcing. In this review, we analyze the structural and mechanical properties of three of the most studied biopolymer classes: cellulose, chitin, and protein beta-sheet structures. We first discuss the hierarchical structure of the biopolymers and how their rich interaction networks induce appealing mechanical properties. Then, we review different fabrication and processing methods to translate these attractive properties into macroscopic materials and composites. Finally, we discuss a nascent approach which leverages the direct use of microorganisms, in the form of intact cells, tissues or dissociated biological matter (biomatter), as meso-scale material building blocks. These non- or little pre-processed biomatter building blocks are composed of the biopolymer structural elements (molecular-nano scale), but also inherit the higher-scale hierarchical characteristics. Processing-structure-property relationships for biomatter-based materials are discussed, emphasizing on the role of hierarchical arrangement, processing-induced transformations, and intermolecular bonding, on the macroscopic mechanical properties. Finally, we present a perspective on the role of biopolymers in a circular economy.
Biocomposite materials offer a promising strategy to satisfy the increasing demand for sustainable plastics. While the incorporation of biopolymers extracted from plants and microorganisms (e.g., cellulose) as fillers in various polymer matrices has demonstrated encouraging properties, biopolymer extraction often requires wasteful mechanical and chemical treatments, thus limiting the overall environmental benefits. As alternative, an emerging approach makes use of fillers made up of less-refined biological material (biomatter) which retains the original chemical composition and hierarchical structure of the source organism, hence bypassing the energy intensive extraction steps. Here, we introduce a novel set of biocomposite materials obtained by compounding polylactic acid (PLA), one of the most consumed industrially degradable plastics, with spirulina, an abundant and fast-growing microalgal species serving as a filler. Specifically, we study the effect of using spirulina in a raw or physically dissociated form after Sonication. We find that independently of the filler pretreatment, the Young's modulus remains as high as neat PLA, while the elongation to break, strength, and toughness progressively decrease with increasing spirulina content. We show that the use of dissociated spirulina enhances the tensile strength by up to 25% compared to biocomposites made with unprocessed spirulina, as a result of the improved filler dispersion and reduced particle size. Our findings also reveal drastically enhanced moisture-induced plasticization in the biocomposites with dissociated spirulina. We report a remarkable 90% toughness increase with mechanically pretreated spirulina at a concentration of 9.1 wt% when compared to the non-water plasticized biocomposite at the same filler concentration, even rivaling the toughness of neat PLA. Finally, we provide estimates for the reduced global warming potential of the produced biocomposites, as compared to neat PLA. Our study presents a holistic view of the performance of PLA-spirulina biocomposites and demonstrates the effectiveness of physical filler dissociation as a means to improve the strength and toughness of the biocomposites.
Due to the increasing detrimental impacts of mass non-renewable plastics over the last decades, cellulose-based materials have been extensively studied as a promising sustainable alternative. Here, we prepare lignocellulosic papers (LBC) from bacterial cellulose (BC) impregnated with lignin, and analyze their mechanical properties, microstructure, and wetting kinetics. We follow a design of experiment analysis to obtain the optimal pressing conditions of the BC and LBC papers, targeted at maximizing the specific ultimate tensile strength and toughness. At optimal conditions, lignin impregnation enhances the absolute modulus, strength, and toughness of BC by 108%, 142%, and 63%, respectively.
We investigate the load transmission along an elastic rod of finite cross-section in contact with a rigid cylinder, as system often referred to as the generalized capstan problem. In the presence of friction, the idealized classic capstan equation predicts that the tension along a perfectly thin and flexible filament increases exponentially along the contact region. In practical applications, however, the validity of the idealized capstan equation is compromised due to the interplay between finite rod thickness, bending stiffness, and the forces applied at the rod extremities. Here, we combine precision model experiments, finite element simulations, and theoretical modeling to investigate the contact mechanics and the force transmission along an elastic rod in frictional contact with a rigid cylinder. We study two cases when the rod is either static or sliding. First, we focus on the static case, in the absence of friction, by considering equal loads at both extremities of the rod. We show that as the loading force is increased, the nature of contact transitions from a localized region to an extended band at the surface of the cylinder. The latter is characterized by double-peaked contact force distribution. In the sliding case, friction is activated by inducing a relative motion between the rod and the cylinder. We applied a fixed loading force at one rod extremity while pulling the other extremity at a constant velocity. The driving force is monitored during sliding. For increasing loading forces, we find that the force ratio is non-monotonic and displays a local minimum, in contradiction with the constant ideal capstan prediction. This minimum force ratio coincides with the transition from a single contact point to an extended contact region. A theoretical analysis based on Euler’s elastica serves to rationalize the results from the physical and numerical experiments. In addition to predicting the nature of the contact region (single point versus extended line), our model provides quantitative predictions for the wrapping angle and the driving-to-loading force ratio. Finally, we leverage our mechanics-based framework to predictively understand the force ratio at the ends of two commercially available engineering belts (spring-steel and polyurethane) in sliding contact with a steel cylinder.
We perform a combined experimental and computational investigation of the clove hitch knot. We develop a physical model for the clove hitch by tying an elastic rod onto a rigid cylinder. In the experiments, we characterize the mechanical performance, geometry, and stability conditions of the knot. X-ray tomography allows us to characterize the 3D geometry of the rod centerline. These results also serve to validate our finite element modeling (FEM), which we use to quantify the tension profile, not accessible experimentally, along the knotted rod. We find that the clove hitch comprises alternating segments with two types of contact regions: one where the rod is in single frictional contact with the cylinder, and another with rod self-contact (where a rod segment pinches another against the cylinder). In the first region, the internal tension decays exponentially (akin to the capstan configuration), whereas, in the second, the pinch (nip) regions lead to discontinuous tension drops. We analyze these nip regions with an even simpler model system where an elastic rod is pinched between two rigid cylinders. Despite the complex contact geometry of this pinching experiment, we find that the frictional behavior of our model systems still obeys the classic Amontons–Coulomb law. Ultimately, we can regard the clove hitch knot, if tied correctly, as a functional structure enabling to drop high tension at one extremity of a filament secured onto a rigid post, all the way to zero at the other extremity.
Biological membranes exhibit the ability to self-repair and dynamically change their shape while remaining impermeable. Yet, these defining features are difficult to reconcile with mechanical robustness. Here, we report on the spontaneous formation of a carbon nanoskin at the oil–water interface that uniquely combines self-healing attributes with high stiffness. Upon the diffusion-controlled self-assembly of a reactive molecular surfactant at the interface, a solid elastic membrane forms within seconds and evolves into a continuous carbon monolayer with a thickness of a few nanometers. This nanoskin has a stiffness typical for a 2D carbon material with an elastic modulus in bending of more than 40–100 GPa; while brittle, it shows the ability to self-heal upon rupture, can be reversibly reshaped, and sustains complex shapes. We anticipate such an unusual 2D carbon nanomaterial to inspire novel approaches towards the formation of synthetic cells with rigid shells, additive manufacturing of composites, and compartmentalization in industrial catalysis.
Networks of flexible filaments often involve regions of tight contact. Predictively understanding the equilibrium configurations of these systems is challenging due to intricate couplings between topology, geometry, large nonlinear deformations, and friction. Here, we perform an in-depth study of a simple yet canonical problem that captures the essence of contact between filaments. In the orthogonal clasp, two filaments are brought into contact, with each centerline lying in one of a pair of orthogonal planes. Our data from X-ray tomography (uCT) and mechanical testing experiments are in excellent agreement with the finite element method (FEM) simulations. Despite the apparent simplicity of the physical system, the data exhibits strikingly unintuitive behavior, even when the contact is frictionless.
Specifically, we observe a curvilinear diamond-shaped ridge in the contact pressure field between the two filaments, sometimes with an inner gap.
When a relative displacement is imposed between the filaments, friction is activated, and a highly asymmetric pressure field develops.
These findings contrast to the classic capstan analysis of a single filament wrapped around a rigid body. Both the uCT and the FEM data indicate that the cross-sections of the filaments can deform significantly. Nonetheless, an idealized geometrical theory assuming undeformable tube cross-sections and neglecting elasticity rationalizes our observations qualitatively and highlights the central role of the small, {but non-zero,} tube radius of the filaments. We believe that our orthogonal clasp analysis provides a building block for future modeling efforts in frictional contact mechanics of more complex filamentary structures.
We perform a compare-and-contrast investigation between the equilibrium shapes of physical and ideal trefoil knots, both in closed and open configurations. Ideal knots are purely geometric abstractions for the tightest configuration tied in a perfectly flexible, self-avoiding tube with an inextensible centerline and undeformable cross-sections. Here, we construct physical realizations of tight trefoil knots tied in an elastomeric rod, and use X-ray tomography and 3D finite element simulation for detailed characterization. Specifically, we evaluate the role of elasticity in dictating the physical knot’s overall shape, self-contact regions, curvature profile, and cross-section deformation. We compare the shape of our elastic knots to prior computations of the corresponding ideal configurations. Our results on tight physical knots exhibit many similarities to their purely geometric counterparts, but also some striking dissimilarities that we examine in detail. These observations raise the hypothesis that regions of localized elastic deformation, not captured by the geometric models, could act as precursors for the weak spots that compromise the strength of knotted filaments.
We present a methodology to simulate the mechanics of knots in elastic rods using geometrically nonlinear, full three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. We focus on the mechanical behavior of knots in tight configurations, for which the full 3D deformation must be taken into account. To setup the topology of our knotted structures, we apply a sequence of prescribed displacement steps to the centerline of an initially straight rod that is meshed with 3D solid elements. Self-contact is enforced with a normal penalty force combined with Coulomb friction. As test cases, we investigate both overhand and figure-of-eight knots. Our simulations are validated with precision model experiments, combining rod fabrication and X-ray tomography. Even if the focus is given to the methods, our results reveal that 3D deformation of tight elastic knots is central to their mechanical response. These findings contrast to a previous analysis of loose knots, for which 1D centerline-based rod theories sufficed for a predictive understanding. Our method serves as a robust framework to access complex mechanical behavior of tightly knotted structures that are not readily available through experiments nor existing reduced-order theories.
This PhD thesis focuses on the mechanical interactions between liquids and thin elastic structures. First, we study the mechanics of a liquid drop sitting on an undeformable horizontal fiber. We numerically and analytically investigate how capillarity and gravity affect the shape of the drop and the forces it develops on the fiber. This understanding allows us to introduce a precise fiber-radius measurement technique, experimentally validated on micronic fibers. Capillary forces developed by drops are sometimes strong enough to deform thin elastic fibers. For example, upon compression of its ends, a spider capture silk fiber spontaneously buckles and spools inside water droplets naturally sitting on it. This elasto-capillary coiling provides the composite system with an apparent extreme extensibility as excess fiber is continuously spooled in or out of the liquid drop, thus ensuring tension throughout large deformations. This mechanical behavior could be of interest for stretchable electronic connectors but the bending stiffness of metallic fibers jeopardizes this in-drop coiling. We overcome this limitation by attaching a beam of soft elastomer to the functional fiber. This soft auxiliary beam strategy favors coiling by enhancing capillary forces without significantly increasing the overall elastic bending rigidity of the new composite fiber. We also study the coiling and uncoiling dynamics of the drop-on-a-single-fiber compound, presenting a novel experiment for the study of contact line dynamics.
Elasto-capillarity with thin elastic fibers provides one-dimensional stretchability. This strategy is generalized to two-dimensional structures by infusing, or wicking, a thin free- standing fibrous membrane with a wetting liquid. When the boundaries of this wicked membrane are brought closer, the solid membrane wrinkles and folds inside the liquid film, and the system therefore remains globally flat. We experimentally and theoretically study the mechanical response of this novel hybrid material whose main feature lies in a mixed liquid-solid behavior: the liquid provides surface tension while the solid fibrous membrane ensures inextensibility. Finally, we analyze the buckling pattern displayed by the wicked membrane upon compression and propose a theoretical model recovering the main experimental observations.
Soft deformable materials are needed for applications such as stretchable electronics, smart textiles, or soft biomedical devices.
However, the design of a durable, cost-effective, or biologically compatible version of such a material remains challenging.
Living animal cells routinely cope with extreme deformations by unfolding preformed membrane reservoirs available in the form of microvilli or
membrane folds. We synthetically mimicked this behavior by creating nanofibrous liquid-infused tissues that spontaneously
form similar reservoirs through capillarity-induced folding. By understanding the physics of membrane buckling within
the liquid film, we developed proof-of-concept conformable chemical surface treatments and stretchable basic electronic circuits.
We study an elastic rod bent into an open trefoil knot and clamped at both ends. The question we consider is whether there are stable configurations for which there are no points of self-contact. This idea can be fairly easily replicated with a thin strip of paper, but is more difficult or even impossible with a flexible wire. We search for such config- urations within the space of three tuning parameters related to the degrees of freedom in a simple experiment. Mathematically, we show, both within standard Kirchhoff theory as well within an elastic strip theory, that stable and contact-free knotted configurations can be found, and we classify the corresponding parametric regions. Numerical results are complemented with an asymptotic analysis that demonstrates the presence of knots near the doubly-covered ring. In the case of the strip model, quantitative experiments of the region of good knots are also provided to validate the theory.
A flexible fiber carrying a liquid drop may coil inside the drop thereby creating a drop-on-fiber system with an ultra-extensible behaviour. During compression, the excess fiber is spooled inside the droplet and capillary forces keep the system taut, while during elongation, the fiber is gradually released and if a large number of spools is uncoiled a high stretchability is achieved. This mechanical behaviour is of interest for stretchable connectors but information, may it be electronic or photonic, usually travels through stiff functional materials and high Young’s modulus, leading to large bending rigidity, prevents in-drop coiling. Here we overcome this limitation by attaching a beam of soft elastomer to the functional fiber, thereby creating a composite system which exhibits in-drop coiling and carries information while being ultra-extensible. We present a simple model to explicate the underlying mechanics of the addition of the soft beam and we show how it favors in-drop coiling. We illustrate the method with a two-centimeter long micronic PEDOT:PSS conductive fiber joined to a PVS soft beam, showing the system conveys electricity throughout a 1900% elongation.
Les forces capillaires que développent les gouttes liquides peuvent être suffisantes pour plier des structures élastiques flexibles, ou même enrouler des fibres, pourvu que celles-ci soient assez fines. Ce “treuil” élasto-capillaire permet la création d'une fibre hybride ultra-extensible. Si de telles fibres hybrides pouvaient transporter de l'information, elles formeraient d'excellents connecteurs étirables. Mais qu'elle soit photonique ou électronique, l'information est habituellement convoyée dans des matériaux à haut module d'Young, comme les métaux ou le verre. Ces matériaux fonctionnels étant trop durs, ce ne sont probablement pas des candidats viables pour l'enroulement élasto-capillaire. A une fibre fonctionnelle a priori trop rigide pour être enroulée dans une goutte, nous apposons une fibre auxiliaire plus épaisse, mais très élastique (faible module d'Young). La rigidité à la flexion de cette nouvelle fibre composite (fibre fonctionnelle + fibre auxiliaire élastique) sera alors pilotée par celle de la fibre dure. Son périmètre, quant à lui, sera hérité de celui de la fibre auxiliaire épaisse. Nous montrerons qu'un paysage énergétique favorable à l'enroulement élasto-capillaire est ainsi rétabli.
Capillary forces acting at the surface of a liquid drop can be strong enough to deform small objects and recent studies have provided several examples of elastic instabilities induced by surface tension. We present such an example where a liquid drop sits on a straight fiber, and we show that the liquid attracts the fiber which thereby coils inside the drop. We derive the equilibrium equations for the system, compute bifurcation curves, and show the packed fiber may adopt several possible configurations inside the drop. We use the energy of the system to discriminate between the different configurations and find a intermittent regime between two-dimensional and three-dimensional solutions as more and more fiber is driven inside the drop.
Talks and public outreach
Poster Material Research Society (MRS), Spring meeting, San Francisco (USA)
Bioplastics and biocomposites from Spirulina
Conference Seminar (remotely) American Physical Society March Meeting, Nashville (USA)
Load Transmission Along Elastic Rods in Frictional Contact with a Rigid Cylinder
Invited Seminar (remotely) Rencontres du non-linéaire 2021 Paris (France)
Load Transmission Along Elastic Rods in Frictional Contact
Conference Seminar (recorded) Society of Engineering Science (SES) Virtual Technical Meeting, Online
Filaments in tight contact: the clasp of elastic rods
Invited Seminar Institut Jean le Rond ∂'Alembert, Paris (France)
Mécanique des nœuds : étude expérimentale de tiges élastiques entrelacées
Conference Seminar American Physical Society March Meeting, Boston (USA)
Friction in knots – clasps as a building block for elastic knots
Conference Seminar Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24ème édition, Brest (France)
Mécanique des noeuds : étude expérimentale de tiges élastiques entrelacées
Conference Seminar GDR MECAFIB (Multiscale dynamics of fibrous media), Nancy (France)
Etude expérimentale de la mécanique de noeuds élastiques
Conference Seminar Society of Engineering Science (SES) 55th Annual Technical Meeting, Madrid (Spain)
From knots to not-knots – Mechanics of the elastic orthogonal clasp
Conference Seminar European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC) 10th Meeting, Bologna (Italy)
Wicked membrane -
elasto-capillary buckling of a thin fibrous membrane for the design of strechable fabrics [PDF]
TV-show Tech24 - Scientific vulgarization show on th channel France24
Ultra-stretchable membrane using elasto-capillary interactions [video (English)] [video (French)]
Conference Seminar Society of Engineering Science (SES) 54th Annual Technical Meeting, Boston (USA)
Self-assembled surface reservoirs for ultra-stretchable membranes [PDF]
Conference Seminar Rencontres du non-linéaire 2017, Paris (France)
Une fibre auxiliaire pour l'enroulement élasto-capillaire de fibres fonctionnelles
Poster [PDF]
Experimental Conference Experimental conference at the Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, ESPCI Paris (France) La soie de capture de l'araignée: gluante, liquide et solide à la fois
[original website with video]
Support for student project Meeting with young students working on their personal initiative project.
[video] [original website]
Conference Seminar MicroMast: 1st International Conference on Multiscale Applications of Surface Tension, Bruxelles (Belgium) Liquid wires – coiling rigid microfibers inside liquid droplets [PDF]
Conference Seminar Euromech Colloquium 569: Multiscale Modeling of Textile and Fibrous Materials, Châtenay-Malabry (France)
Liquid Wires - Fiber coiling inside a droplet provides highly compressible device [PDF]
Conference Seminar Rencontres du non-linéaire 2016, Paris (France)
Elasto-capillary coiling leads to the fabrication of over-extensible fibers
Poster: french [PDF] - english [PDF]
TV-show E=m6 : French scientific vulgarisation TV-show.
Hommes vs animaux: le match!
paul.grandgeorge (-at-)
Paul Grandgeorge
Route de l’Ancienne Papeterie 180,
1723 Marly,